LIGHT (exam oriented)
PHYSICS Father of physics :- ISSAC NEWTON two major book written by Issac newton Principia Mathematica (its about gravity) Optics ( explains about light) Father of modern physics :- ALBERT EINSTEIN LIGHT Study of light :- Optics Fear to light :- photo phobia Light has maximum speed in vacuum and least speed in diamond Particle which has greater speed than light :-Taceon ( discovered by ECG sudarsan) unit of light is CANDILA light year :- it is the time taken for light to travel a year . it is used to measure the distance between stars Distance between planet is measured by astronomic unit (AU); 1AU= 500sec lighttravel =15crkm 1Parsec= 3.26 light year > unit to measure distance between galaxy Andromeda is the nearest galaxy PROPERTIES OF LIGHT Scattering :-scattering of light due to the dust particles , waterdrops etc in the medium it travel is k...